Thursday 6 February 2014

Day 6 February 6, 2014

Today is day 6 of 'Eating in the Raw'.
Not quite a week in, and I'm finally finding my way.  I have been a little overwhelmed with this Raw Food concept.  All the prep involved...etc.  what I've discovered is...stop trying to make everything look like it has been prepared by a food stylist!.  Raw food tastes great just thrown together too.  My family is willing to eat what I put in front of them for the most part...stop trying to entice them with my artistic flare.  Besides, I'm soooo over my artistic flare...I'm hungry!.

I have a bit of a routine now.  Green juice and fruit in the morning, smoothie mid morning, juice and some kind of salad thing for lunch, smoothie mid afternoon, and then the big finish with something pretty and delicious for dinner.  I save my 'food stylist' creations for dinner only now...and it's fun, not overwhelming.

I'm still finding my way with what I need to eat.  Combinations, quantities, oils, protein, veg to fruit ratio...I'm getting there.  My body has rebelled a bit since the juice cleanse...I don't have to say know what I mean.  I think I was just trying to hard to get everything in that I thought I needed.  Well, most of it didn't I've backed off on thinking too much.  My husband is most great full...had an extremely 'windy' night last night.

I have a lot to fix when it comes to my gut.  You may remember me mentioning that I have been on stomach meds for years.  I've since learned how bad they are.  I have a pretty f'd up digestive system, but I've learned that I can repair it, and repair comes in the form of fermented foods.  Other then wine or vodka or tequila or gin....I digress, I have no experience with fermented foods.  Well, you should see the shit on my kitchen counter now!  I have made saurekraut, Kim Chee (didn't even know what that was 4 days ago), and rejuvelac (for making nut cheese...hee hee).  I'm reading everything I can get my hands on about fermented food.  Not only because of the health benefits, but it tastes great.  My experiments with cheese are about to go full on now that I have some family...bunch of sceptics, don't believe I can make something that will taste like cheese...we'll see.

So, as you can see, I'm adapting.  It takes time to change, and then more time to adjust to the change. I'm trying to be patient, and learn as I go.  In the meantime, when I'm starving, just love me a smoothie :)

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