Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Day Twenty One January 22, 2014

Today is day 21 of 'My Big Fat Juice Cleanse'.  Three weeks in...nine days to go.  My thoughts go to food.  I have enjoyed this cleanse, and I will continue to enjoy the next nine days...however, I cannot wait to eat.  I'm a foodie, I think about it all the time.  Recipes come to me in my sleep.  I get paid to cook for people.  It is what I love.  But just like Merlot and Don Julio, our relationship is about to change.

For thirty days after my cleanse, I am going to eat A Raw diet only.  Vegetables, fruits, juices, nuts and seeds.  Nothing cooked, nothing processed.  I don't even know where to start.  I keep picturing fruit salads, green salads, and handfuls of raw nuts...not gettin' excited here.  Today was the first day I could bring myself to start researching raw organic eating.  It's tough to focus on eating when you are not.  It's taken all my reserves to cook for my family.  I felt strong enough into the deep end I jumped.

Well, very quickly I was overwhelmed and gave up.  Some recipes just seemed to out there...obscure ingredients...I mean, what the hell is mamey sapote?  I know, all the raw enthusiasts are saying "oh, I use that all the time".  Or maybe not.  That's the thing...I need direction...the idiots guide to preparing raw food.  It seems like you would have to be an idiot not to know how to prepare raw food, you don't have to cook it for one thing.  No no no, there are actual Raw food chefs...I know!!  I'm not making fun here, this is a new world opening before me.

I received a lovely invitation to join a Raw food pot luck group...which I will happily do.  I think this is a wonderful way to experience this way of eating.  Everyone brings a dish to share.  What better way to learn how this all works?  In the mean time, my search for instruction continues.  If anyone out there can recommend a good non-cook book I can start with, I would appreciate it.  I suppose I could just eat simple veg, fruit, nuts and seeds...but I would really be interested in learning how to be more creative, and possibly incorporating this way of eating into my life for more then 30 days.

Now, back to my juice...mmmm juice...


Save me from this!!

And this


  1. Check out Rawlicious in Guelph. Ideas if nothing else.

  2. Talk to Fabienne, she is so wonderful and eats raw too. xoxox Keep up the life transforming work :)

    1. Thanks Tara, I do eat lots of raw and not only thanks to the polar vortex! I'm admiring your 30 days juicing, I did several but never that long, so kuddos! I have few Raw books for you with delicious recipes, that's I'll be happy to share with you. Maybe I'll should join your yoga class. I'll go to one at the community and meant to try yours but I always forget what days and what time.. let me know, and I'll bring the books for you to start salivating.. Remember as I guess you read or did some research about it, you should start slowly after juicing with a monodiet of one fruit, then introducing the veggies and after the nuts or richer food like the Raw dark chocolate cake!!! I'm sure you are going to love it!
