Friday, 3 January 2014

Day two January 3, 2014

Today is day 2 of 'My Big Fat Juice Cleanse'. Yesterday was a rough ride, hungover to start the first day.  I felt shaky, angry, ill, headachy...but I got through it.  The last supper was a bad idea.  I emptied out this morning (I think you know what I mean), probably the last solid for the next month...hey, a juice cleanse is not pretty.

I have decide that after 30 days of juice only, I will go another 30 days of Raw veg and fruit, nuts and seeds, and juice (if I can still stomach juice!). I may introduce a cup of black coffee each day at this point.  I've decided to wait to make that decision, as I'm in wicked caffeine withdrawal at the moment.  Maybe no more coffee ever...maybe coffee tomorrow...maybe prison for killing someone while trying not to drink coffee.

We started this morning with watermelon juice.  It was delicious!!  I thought we needed the pick me up, something to smile about...kale just was not going to do it for us this morning.  Yesterday's evening juice has left me reeking of garlic...must learn to adjust amounts.

Okay, so the watermelon cheered us up and made us happy...Sister is not feeling the love at the moment.  We followed with a carrot, beet, kale combo.  She liked it and still seemed pumped.  Then we had a cabbage, that's right, I said cabbage...spinach, lime, celery, cucumber juice.  Not such a success.  She is detoxing hard right now.  Feels sick, tired, grumpy...really grumpy...death stare grumpy.  These juices are potent stuff.  I'll make the rest of today's a little less intense.  Hopefully that will improve her physical and mental state.  But to be perfectly honest...from what I've learned in researching juice cleanses, she is just going to feel shitty for a couple of days.  I have read that you wake up around day 4 feeling like a rock star.  It's just getting there is the killer.

I actually feel great today...caffeine withdrawal not withstanding.  I have decent energy, and I'm in good spirits...doing my best to hide these feelings from Sister...did I mention she is grumpy?

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