Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Day Seven January 8, 2014

Today is day 7 of 'My Big Fat Juice Cleanse'.  Woke up not feeling so good today.  Thought I had the flu when I got out of bed.  Was sweating like a mofo when I started to move around!!  Then my stomach started churning.  Long nasty story, short...I'm not constipated anymore.  I apologize for all the talk about bowels, but it is a very important part of a cleanse.  Hey, if Dr. Oz can do an entire show on poo...I can mention it occasionally.

Went out this morning and dropped another 100 bucks on fruit and veg.  This is not the cheapest diet I have ever done...but it is the healthiest.  I think the cheapest was the coca cola and cigarette diet.  Nothing but coke and smokes for a week...don't remember how much weight I lost, but I do remember my hair falling out.  Ahhh...the stupidity of my youth.

I don't think I have ever felt like I was doing something so good for my body.  I had a friend visit today and of course made her drink a juice...I'm going to become one of those know who I mean...the dreaded VEGAN in the room!...(sidebar: how do you know if there is a vegan in the room?...they will tell you.)...back to what I was saying, I stare at their skin, eyes, hair...people are going to start hating me.  I think this is what a 'Born Again' must feel like.  On a mission to save all the sinners (or non juicers).  I'm a juice disciple, Jesus of Juice...I'm Rawesome!  Okay I'll stop now.


  1. Pretty great blog, keep it up! I just laughed very hard and almost sprayed green juice all over my keyboard. I have become that vegan in the room!

  2. Thanks Jeffery. Every room needs one :)

  3. You are Rawesome and so is your blog! Go girl!
